
for a moment i suddenly forget about what i have promise myself to change for the better, how can i forget that?!. everything i learn and read it should be place in my life now. where was joy when i needed the most???!

i know i might be stubborn that should never be the reason for not doing what i was suppose to do. sigh. what should i do now? i should do anything that makes me happy.


all of sudden i tout of u, thinking that everything have move on but i was not. i still miss john legend despite being in denial but i know there was no turning back and Yes! i was the one who wanted it but i think u leave a mark in my life that is why i still think of you sometimes despite all those songs that u have blast in my ear. thou it's hard but i still make thru and i'm happy that i was able to do that and some how i was able to do it.

despite every thing mr john legend i still think of you and thinking about the past make me miss u. and i have to thank you for all those time spend tuning to ur song. the memories will always there to remind me of those happy moments.


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