baju kurong or "that" kebaya

the up coming event is rai's engagement and all the girls decided to wear pink and the only pink baju is "that" kebaya which at this moment i can't even think of wearing it at all. don't ask me why but i can't (it's not that i can't fit in but the memory that holds it), but rai wants me to wear and it's hard to reject her lah coz she is my bestest friend. i tout of wearing the white baju instead but she insist i wear the pink baju. haizzz i can't decide at all.

let me give u a sneak peak of the baju that she die die wants me to wear and also the baju that i was thinking to wear.

well i was thinking of wearing this baju kurong, i know it's abit dull right now it will still look nice when i wear it.... i think......and this is the kebaya that was tailor made so the very early in april and yet till now i'm not wearing and rai insist that i wear this baju. i can't bring myself to wear it right now......

so please let my know girls if i should wear the pink or white??

sorie for the crapy photos......


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