
Dear friends and readers

Have anyone thought of the word “Humble”? Well what do you guys define the word as??? To me being humble is that you are able to bring your self down to a level when you are someone so is significant. In-other words “humble”, Thinking lowly of one's self; claiming little for one's self; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; thinking one's self ill-deserving or unworthy, when judged by the demands of others; lowly; weak; modest (this quote was not from me but from some anonymous party).

Well this is what I feel, is there any humble in each and everyone of us, when you said or think that you are humble is it judge by you or by people around you? I think people around us should be the person that can judge you, or me if I’m humble or not, I myself will never know if my humble deed is indeed humble.

Life these days are pretty much in a fast speed, where everyone is chasing for that dream. Along the way while we are chasing all those dreams did we ever react to anything in a humbling way?? Or did it so consciously or unconsciously we forget or far more badly we did on purpose and the word here should be arrogant. To be honest sometimes I forget but I make a point no to ever give anyone a bad impression of me. If I ever want to be humble I make sure I want nothing in return and nothing at all.

This just strike me while the time tell me that we are in 2009.

For those out there if you are thinking and saying that you are humble, please double check on what you said. Are you saying that just to please your self, someone or god? Being humble is just like being anonymous.

Sit down, reflect and relax.

Something to ponder today



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