my mundane work life and i derserve a few hours break from work

okay today will be a proper entry with not sounding very weird. heheheh…. i’m currently blogging from work.

anyway i’m surprise that there are other blogger who actually read this humble blog of mine and surprisingly they have been sending email to say "hi" and to exchange link on our blog. cool. I’m surprise but then again thank for nice comments that you guys have email me. hope my next following entry would be interesting for you guys.

to be honest there is nothing much on my blog to look forward too except for crappy single hood story. hehehehe….

anyway did i mention to you again that i’m currently blogging at work and yes! i currently refuse to do work coz my bosses are not in and since the past few weeks’ life at work have been so busy, hectic and tired its time for my time out.
there are more tasks that i need to do in future, i’m not rejecting any task but some how i felt that some people at work are taking advantage of me since i’m good at time management and multitasking. so far there is a lot of task that i’m doing and the task does not fall on my job scope but since i’m good at it they push it to me to do it. knowing that i work well in a confine space of my desk these people give me no mercy but just to add on. but on the other hand i’m not sure if i should just tell them it’s too much for me or should i just try to juggle everything and wait a little longer for me to let my boss knows that i’m almost drowning at my desk. i know i can do it but i’m just tired and drain right now.
my job does not require a lot of energy but it does need a lot of the brain cells to work and think a lot on how to work a system and sometimes creativity also need to inject in my work. So i guess i deserve this few hours of resting while the bosses are out.

oh yar not forgetting to congratulation to my ex boyfriend who is getting married this month, thanks for the invitation but i think i’ll skip on this invitation. eh eh I’m not jealous okay in fact i think it’s good for him also. this chapter is closed and thank god!

So while t continue this mundane work life that i have to get back into, you people have a great day.



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