summer wants to go to a fancy party!!! and dress up!!!

okay i think i miss fancy party, like really fancy with a very glamorous theme or even like those black and white party. i can't even remember when was the last time i went to such party. but i really want to go....... the previous company that i used to work for used to have all this fancy party so i always take the chance to dress up.

so since there no party going to happen like any time soon, i was thinking maybe i should do my very own party like those glamorous party theme. where everyone comes in their most fancy dress and suits. but then again this take sometimes to come out with such party. so i have to consider the venue, food, drink and a schedule of things to do.

Here is what i have in mind:
  • Venue: At a Hotel. Maybe like a hotel suite room or something like that.
  • Date and time: this is very important coz my schedule is very tight right now
  • theme: i was thinking of Black and White with Bling Bling party. so whatever you wear must be white or black and must have bling bling.
  • Food: i was thinking of sometimes with more desert, meaning after your dinner you come over to the party and it will be serve with desertsssss. like chocolate fondue, macaroons, mini cakes and stuff like that.
  • Drinks: hmmm this is a tricky one but i think going non-alcoholic. well there is always this apple sparkling juice to make pretend the champagne. hahahahaha
  • Music: maybe high society music. hahahaha only for this party. but looking at the genre that my frends listen to, i think they will either like rnb and hip hop but i don't really fancy these genre during parties. so this have to consider what kinda music should i go for.
  • oh yar maybe we should do something fun like a game or something. of coz there will be dancing.
  • The Guest List: yar before anything else fails this have to be done first.
so this is what i'm looking at right now. not sure if this party will ever happen but i kinda like the idea to have this party happen. it's gonna be fun fun fun. so pray hard that this party will work for me. i need to have fun. it's no harm on visualizing this sort of thing.
Check Spelling
and speaking of party, i need to start revamping my whole woredrobe and i think the next best thing is to start shopping for clothes.

toodles for now my friends



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