what i really really do for a living???? many are curious..... i know

what i really do for a living and why i'm happy and proud of my job coz no matter what ever obstacles that comes along i always make it thru and i'm proud to be one of the only (maybe) malay female safety officer in SG coz i never come across any malay girl doing this job, if there any one out there is a female malay officer i will like to meet you and have kopi, seriously. i work for the most crazy industry which is the construction. seriously the kind of work i do sometimes is crazy and having to work in an all male environment is one of the biggest challenge but i'm proud to say that i don't give a crap shit about them and i'm not scared or intimidated by them.

so let me break it down for you on my designation, which alot of people get confuse.

Designation: QEHS officer (which mean Q= Quality, E=Environmental, H= Healthy and S= Safety) but i usually do alot on the Q, E and S. to some people it is also known as Safety Officer.

so let me explain to you first what is the hazard of my job.
  1. i work from office and sometimes from site office.
  2. i work with alot of men. (eg general worker, project coordinator, engineer and some architect) you think it's funny? please think otherwise then can be such donkey.
  3. i have tons tons of report, meeting to attend and moving from one site to another but these days i slack in the office and finish my reports and updates.
  4. when i'm in the office i have to make myself be updated to the MOM regulation and legislation. Just to let you know that MOM are very strict about the regulation and legislation and they keep changing every few months and sometimes they come out with some funny regulation and legislation. i think they are too free!!! crazy people.
  5. on the enviro part i need to make sure that all site have some sort of waste management and recycling program and one of my favourite things to do coz the part i do a lot of research and it's more fun.
  6. every once a year me and my colleague will go crazy coz we will need to prepare of audit this is for quality assurance this is a no joke, the uncooperative donkeys can be very irritating when it comes to audit.
  7. i usually have to conduct safety induction briefing to all workers, which means i have to talk alot to workers about safety, sometimes i think they pretend to listen to me just to see me but then again i like to test them and make them malu sometimes. eh this one i don't do it on purpose but it's part of my job to ensure they know what i'm yapping about. hehehe
so this is only the gest of what i do which i didn't give you the breakdown on what really happen and what i really have to do.


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