something something about SG

Was reading the newspaper this morning on the front page, on one of the article about the government helping the needy and the sole breadwinner. I think it’s great that the government is helping out a lot with the resilient package that they are going to use.

I hope Singaporean see the good in our gov as they are seriously trying to help everyone during this economy down turn, to my opinion sg gov are very much aware and concern about their people and they wish to be fair and equal towards their people. I think for those who are anti-gov should give some faith to our gov. they aren’t bad after all in-fact they help, I look at it now, like a win-win situation.

“gov give you money, you spend, you help gov and gov can boost the economy”,

which means there will be more job for everyone. I know it’s true that everything is expensive in sg and almost everything is taxing but due to the economy now I think it’s best to help one another and they don’t give you money for nothing they help you help too (there is no free lunch in this world). The funny thing is that I have yet to feel any economy downturn at all I’m staying positive about it. I think sometimes we should relax a bit and don’t get stress out about all this economy situation (don’t give economy a bad name). And for those who are money minded people, you all better do not take advantage of the current situation. Money is for the needy if you think you can still have food on the table, wear nice clothes, go shopping, wear gold jewelry and yada yada. Better think twice when asking for help from gov. do not take advantage. And for those who need help there is always a way to find help be it helping your own self or getting help by the gov. and during this period please don’t go and find problem.

Alamak I sound so political. Well it’s my mind that wants to speak not me. Hehehehe.



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