happy day

so today i was not working due to my body "cannot-take-it-anymore", this morning the pain came like as if tsunami was about to happen. with quick thinking i decide to call today an off day. so today time was spend with Dr Chan, home and fiqa. Dr Chan say need more time to rest and stay happy, like seriously Dr Chan said to stay happy, at first i gave him the blur look then he laugh and said i work too hard. since Dr Chan advise was to rest and stay happy thats what i did today. chill out at home resting with my jodi picoult and pick up fiqa from school.

fiqa never fails to make me laugh all the time, today when we reach home both ate donuts (we love donuts very much) and keep singing LOVE from Joss Stone, now she and me can sing this song, we played games on my lappie, not just any games it was Neopets. and sit down for some serious issue such as homework and spelling. i'm proud to say that she have been progressively doing well in school, since she is taking mandrin in school i'm more stress actually but i learn to take it easy. if i stress she will be stress so both learn mandrin together. we read chinese book together and all that stuffs. when P1 comes i'm not sure what is in store for me and her, but since we are going to make sure we don't stress up we will take in whatever it takes.


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