
i know i have been missing a few days, i was so tied up with work and home that i do not have the strength to type an entry. the weather have been crazy, 1 min it's hot and another min it's raining. please give me good weather back!!

so here are some updates on what going on:

1. in the evening i went to get the chocolate fondue thingy for next saturday, which i'm so excited about. don't ask me why i'm just excited. gonna email the girls for the details and there might be some changes.

2. i have been missing mum badly but thank god she is coming back this monday, what a relieve! phew, she have been away to brisbane and christchurch for almost 3 weeks. yah my mum have a high life, taking a plane to her is like taking a coach to KL. hahahaha my mum like it when i say that. even the old man is missing her badly, i think SG needs her. mum better come home fast.

3. i have been stressing at work, trying to juggle everything. but thanks to great colleague that is always giving me so much motivation and encouraging me to take each day as it comes. and if i have problem with the NATO i should let them know. awww you guys are just nice, my motivation to go to work.

4. it has been very hard to relax and calm myself lately but sometimes it get even harder. been trying to remember rai's advise and i'm trying very hard to stay sane. but seriously i'm happy for everything that is happening to me. thanks for the Neyo song rai, i know it is so me.

5. been watching gossip girl online for the whole day and i totally neglect the household chores today. i think season 2 episode 14-16 have been the most emotional episode that i have watched. like seriously today i feel very disappointed in chuck bass (this dude is gorgeous), i'm proud of blair for showing her true feeling, i think dan hunphrey should be more careful of what he do in the upper east side, lil jenny is blossoming into a good young lady, nate is in love with venessa for the 2nd time, bart bass died (thank god, i can't stand this man) and lily and rufus have an explaining to do to their kids. this few episode have been pretty much emotional and i even teared at some part, no joke it was that sad k.

6. thanks to mr H for remembering me and getting me the pair of ear phone which is very much useful for me to watch gossip girl. thank you mr H. i make sure i use to chat with you when you are online k. thanks for the thoughtful gift.

so yar that is my update so far. it has been great and i happy right now.

good night lovely people



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