i need a boss

So anyway I’m looking for a new boss, anyone wants to be my boss? I promise I be a good staff. Yes! that is correct I shall repeat myself again I’m recruiting a new boss! It’s been 2 month I’m bossless, stop thinking that Im having a jolly good time at work; well it’s more of the opposites. My work has tripled and I am drowning in my own desk everyday, most of the things that I’m doing is my manager’s job. I know it suppose to good for me to learn something new, well some part of it is true and well some part of it is not coz I cannot handle it coz it’s more then a normal person can deal with. Yes, I have raised the white flag and they have given me a helping hand but the helping hands are already busy with her own stuffs. So tell me what can I do??

Well if they are willing to promote me and give me a better salary and also an assistant then I may consider. Try imagining this with my boss previously we are already struggling with the work and what about now me being all-alone. The only thing or people that have kept me sane most of the time are my colleagues. The thing is that sometimes they feel very helpless coz there are some part of it they can’t even help me. well we are talking about quality and safety here, not everyone understand the work. So anyway do let me know if you have anyone who wants to be my boss. I NEED A BOSS NOW.

Just in case to some reader who are wondering what sort of job I do, well I’m working for the QEHS which means Q=Quality E=Environmental, H=Health and S=Safety. So the maths is not easy but the reason why I’m still alive and kicking right now is because some the people here at work are very team player and we look out for each other they are always helping and cheering each other up during the most stressful period. One thing for sure my to big directors are very nice people.

Okay this is just me doing a cheap advertising of my company. Coz I’m in desperate need of a boss.

So now I shall continue clearing up all the crap on my desk and try to meditate myself so that I won’t get stress and start throwing things at people.

On a good note life is getting better, slowly but surely.



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