~new short hair & twitching eye : )

i just realize that the relationship that i have with my stylist is getting better each time, with each visit bi-monthly meeting with him to tease my tresses. i simply love every hair cut he did and i'm so convinced that short is good for me. ok this yet another crazy hair style that im so addicted. wait till i have a good grabs on the cammy i'll flaunt the new crown on my head. hahahaha

so another note my mind need to pen it down yet another issue.

the issue of the twitching eye, have you ever experience it before? well i've been having it for the past couple of days, i'm not sure what is the reason of this twitching eyes all about, so decided to google it and i found out that twitching eye is due to stress!!!!. can you guys believe that??? well i am under some form of stress at work but the website did mention that it will go a way in 1 or 2 days time but it seems my eye twitching just refuse to stop. so if any of you knows that reason to the twitching do let me know, coz i'm dying to make it stop coz now i find it irritating.

i think the next entry will be more pictures, coming soon, till then

ciao ciao


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