gentle reminder

in the midst of all the craziness my life is right now, a friend told me about Yasmin Ahmad was man. i was shocked and almost didn't want to believe it. but i told myself to be open about such things coz we will never know what the real story beneath all the media speculation. for all i know i pray for Yasmin Ahmad when i heard about her death coz no matter what happen i will always remember her as great storyteller that will open your heart and mind.

as for other bloggers that wants to create creative and thoughtful ideas about her as a man, you can go ahead but remember you are just a blogger spitting out whatever you have in your mind and it's all just your opinion but do take this in mind, what if you were her family and relative, how would you feel if some random person talk about your love one.

anyway it's your blog it's really up to you to say but just hope you don't say the wrong thing.

ciao ciao


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