~let's welcome the weekend coz i'm in the mood

Tonight I wear my little black dress and my black dancing shoe to go out to town, not sure where I will end up at, but I’m just glad that I’m not spending another weekend at home and slacking around. It’s been awhile since I last dress up so prettily just to go out. Ok lah fine I sound so suah ku but what to do……

And not forgetting my national museum trip this Monday and I’m all excited…. You people just don’t understand me… I just love museum, I love hanging out with the dead and or unused item that have been left in a glass box for many donkey years. I have this sentimental feeling. This will be my 3rd time going there, I’m still as suah ku as before…hahahaha my favourite room in the museum is the theater where they showcase P.Ramlee’s movie and songs. I grow up watching his movie and maybe it’s just natural to have that feeling. And this is the 2nd time I’m going with Dino to the museum again, we are all hype up already. So happy lah I’m gonna bring my lomo also….. so happy.

Anyway I’m doing this entry in the office… and refuse to do my works coz I just simply not in the mood to do anything. Yes I don’t care much about work today coz it’s Friday! I think this is the most unproductive day in the whole week. From Mon to Thurs I have been working really hard so I think I deserve this Friday break. The bosses don’t care coz they are busy with the regional meeting. Thank god I’m not involve coz the engineer is doing it. Lepas beban! Anyway Anyway Anyway… you guys better take care and enjoy the weekend while it last. Coz these days the weekends are so precious.

Ciao ciao

P.S: you people better dress up for the weekend and have fun k k k.


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