good things will come

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."
~Patrick Henry~

i was planning to vent everything out on this entry but somehow after typing it out i decided not to publish it coz i felt it's best to forget and not to remember.

let go to a happier note now, alot of planning have to take place. we are almost finish listing out everything. at times i just don't believe that things are becoming reality and im glad good things are coming our way. in the midst of all the excitement we are taking one step at a time. i just want to enjoy the whole ride.

can't wait for december to come for another holiday trip! this time with family.

i will come back with a proper update, when work is not being such a bitch. guess what? im vetting my own HOD's work. she did a sucky job! and this time im taking credit for it.

good night world, sleep well.

ciao ciao


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