Mitch Albom

Today something made smile so widely just by looking at pictures of Mr. Morrie and Uncle Eddie. These are the 2 men that Mitch Albom wrote a story about and their interesting life. Moving, touching and heart-warming story that I think everyone should read and reflect in our own life. Somehow or rather I feel that by just reading Tuesdays with Morrie and 5 people I meet in heaven touched my heart and I truly will remember.

I just bought Mitch Albom new book titled Have a Little Faith, I’m just starting on it and I’m hooked and I am definitely taking my own sweet time to finish the book. I prefer to read it slowly and enjoy every moment of it. Not that I am a slow reader but I don’t like to rush. Reading is a hobby right? So do it passionately then.

Oh here are the picture that made me smile.

Thats Mitch with Uncle Eddie while he is still alive


This is Mr. Morrie dancing while he is still alive. ain't that cute.

Sometimes out of the craziness in my life, reading about these men make me realize life is not all about work and stress from it coz it's more about being happy with yourself first and the rest will fall into places.

Have a good day people, coz I am having a good day today.

ciao ciao



  1. my gawd! I HAVE MY HEART AND SOUL ON tuesdays with scares me to think i'd die one day.. and I truly admire those who knows when their time will end and embrace it knowing they will go...

    ok im still disturbed with what I just said..

  2. yah talking about death, but after reading tuesday with morrie it makes me embrace life better.


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