life is good.........

the weather is not being so nice these days and i think everyone knows it. being sticky and hitting the shower more. but despite that life have certainly been great for me, im not just saying it but literally life is great for me. the fact that Fiqa have been well behave and she learns to be more independent which is a good sign coz i really need to train her to be more independent when my course starts in June she will need to get use to it. anyway she is just a kid trying to have fun while she is still young and i will try not to stress her. Marion have been encouraging and supportive about me going back to school and even volunteer to help around. i know it's going to be tough but we will get through with it coz we are a team.

so i guess another round of buziness will start soon, with school, work, Fiqa and planning, i really hope things will work out all thanks to Allah who always give me the strength to get thru all the hurdles in my life. that is why life is great and i am embracing it.

im currently staring at the vision board which is empty right now, im still thinking of what to put on the board. there are a few things that im gonna start putting on so wait till i complete i then i will share with you guys.

oh today also i went to another wedding of an old friend, congrats to Leana Anuar and Sulaimi. it seems wedding is my agenda on weekends. back to back wedding i shall say. it's good also to take alook at other ppl wedding to give some form of idea. and i have to start a list of things to do before i totally off track myself.

so thats about it for now, hope my monday will be better and greater and hope the proposal for that course will be granted, i truly hope so.

good night world

ciao ciao


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