things to do on my free 13 day

it work both ways and it's always not just me.......

so the great weekend that everyone is waiting is here, i have a total of 13days to crash and burn and have fun. not really sure what is gonna happen but since pikachu is not at home this holiday and marion will be working this weekend im gonna find something to do by myself of with friends.

so here are the list of things that i might consider doing........

1. Do some online shopping, since most places will be closing this holiday.

2. Finish up on some photo editing and video editing, which i have to actually start all over again coz my laptop crash together with it.

3. Reorganize my woredrobe and maybe try to find some lost clothes.

4. Send email to my agent for next month travel arrangement.

5. Try to get some more sleeps, coz i have been having problem with sleeping.

6. Go to a book store and find a nice book to read.

7. Paint my nails, for a change.

8. Vision Board.....

9. The rest of the things-to-do will just leave it to the mood that i have on that day.

10. Go swimming would be a nice idea to do too.

So that is so far what i can think of, im sure there are other things to do we shall wait fot it to come. so have a great weekend.

ciao ciao

p.s: i just bought another again, guilty as charge!



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