quotes of my life

Here are some of the quotes that I truly feel and ponder and I don’t expect others to understand them coz I think they are meant for me when I read it. Quotes from people who are great.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.” Kahlil Gibran

This is what I think: this quote is so true, all of us wants many things and feelings but we never know what we really want and what is important to us. and not knowing what it will give us before we actually received it.

Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusement but in virtuous activities” Aristotle

this is what I think: yes… this always tells me that life is not just finding things that I want but it is also things that I need. Which is why now I always search for things that only I need and not want and at the same time expectation is always not so high is I don’t feel like a failure eventually. So with what ever i do in life i try to do it passionately and happily.

To be happy we must not be too concerned of others” Albert Camus

this is what I think: this is true I have been trying not to think of what others might think of me and all I need is to be confident of what I am already. Embrace it!

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it free will” Jawaharal Nehru

this is what I think: I know that the game is mine and I play it my way.

The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows” Aristotle

this is what I think: this is usually use at work I even put up this quote up on my desk, the knowledge i possessed is beyong anyone knowledge. Im proud to say that. believe me no one in the company are able to do the things that i do.

Love is a losing game, why do I wish I never played” Amy Winehouse

this is what I think: this I shall not say but some how the song from Amy Winehouse says it all.

this is just what perceived every time I read all this quotes; well this is just me and my 2 cents thought.

my Monday seems good so far and shall hope it stay this way for very long.

Ciao ciao


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