the "amusing" people

life can be crazy these days when the people that you are surrounded by are very "amusing" at times. during these times i let myself to LOL (Laughing ot Loud) and leave it how long the the amusement will last.

as for me i got tons and gazillion things to do and infact im still trying to get myself use to the fact that i no longer work in an office instead im currently working from home. meaning i got understand that work consist of more stress than office. my quiet not so quiet space is always being invaded not by pikachu but others, surprisingly right? and working with whatever means right now. resources are difficult but i got to thank my fireman for making things less difficult.

this week was another crazy week, where i got class to attend, new collection for this week (which include photoshoot and editing of photos), sending out mails, do damage control over my dress for my best's friend wedding, and pikachu's exam period. im sure all this problem may seems trivial for some..... but try doing it first before you made the judgement. despite all this that i got to face many things behind the curtain is still unveil to most. so for now lets keep this way.... it's a little down but im definitely on going that way.

having to say so much.... like finally the new collection is out here are some preview but to get the real deal you can always add me up on Facebook just simply type "Summer Love"
im gonna find a nother moment where i can actually write a proper entry properly. hopefully soon its been too long already now.

ciao ciao


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