no! 1000 guests

I kinda have to blog about this issue just becoz I want to make a point that my money can be valuable if you look at it in a different point of view. I know this blog have very less influential value but who knows, I will try.
The fact that some of you might know that I will be getting married somewhere next year right? So the think here is, I’m the kind of person that does not like to follow trend or do what other Malay does (simply because I am not typical) I mean I’m a very unique individual and do not like to tail others. So the hunt to find the ideal wedding to fit my budget is definitely mind boggling, coz for once I made it clear to my mum only to invite people that I know or have a significant value to my life seriously there is nothing to be showing off to people you barely know and also the money is better spend after the wedding. What’s the point of having a lavish wedding and feed people who you don’t know, I rather spend money to people that matters to me.

Lucky for me, mum rocks! And she agreed and secondly I wanted to do more for my guest since I am not interested to have 1000 strangers in my wedding, I did some adjustment to venue, catering and blab la bla so now it fits my budget. Thirdly I want a simple but yet memorable moment to remember and that everyone can enjoy. Please agree with me on this coz nowadays spending money on the right place means a lot.
Here comes the haters part, when people ask me about my wedding plans I am usually reluctant coz the fact is I am still at the stage of planning and I really don’t know what will come next. So only when things are more settle down than can share. So when I told them that I won’t have the 1000 guest invited then they will ask all those leading question towards the budget part….. then my answer will usually be like yup it’s that much I will spend and that will be for my 250-300 guest and yes it will be like that coz I want it to be that way but at this point these people will start to judge and here are what they said:

“eh isn’t it more costly why you never do the 1000 guest, coz you will have more to accommodate?”
my answer: “No la I think it’s better coz I who I am feeding anyway”
“Why you so selfish and not let other people be invited??”
My answer: I don’t think so coz I am not expecting anything in return and again I will be happier to feed people that I love most.

“Wah, you so rich ah?? Why so grand one?? -_-
My answer: huh? Rich? No lah this is way much lesser than doing the 1000 guest wedding

So you see people who ask me that question are people who are quick to judge and they are clueless to what is going on around them. Seriously I have seen couple who did so much and ended up with a huge headache after the wedding, for what?! I rather be happy happy, you know….. Nowadays wedding is not about inviting 1000 or 1,000 000 guests but it’s all about the moments that you have.
So please open your eyes big big! And for those who are getting hitch do take note to do your homework well. Don’t always assume that nice wonderful weddings cost a bomb coz sometimes if you search hard enough you find things that you want in a wedding and that could eventually become your dream wedding.

The kind of wedding like what I want requires you to have a very open minded mum like me, hehehe kidding lah actually anyone can make it also.

ciao ciao

p.s: this is just my opinion about my own wedding, you can have which ever way you like.


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