Passion vs. Work

It’s funny how I talk about blogshops to friends and colleagues who don’t know that I am running a blogshop, I love listening to them talk about their experience and what they expect out of a blogshop. Just today a colleague of mine said this “I love shopping at blogshops, especially those who self manufacture their clothes. Coz most of the time you can’t find it elsewhere” …… wow when I heard this I was so convinced that the online market is still strong and buying power is still there and I hope I’m on the right track to where I want to so see Summer InLove go to where I never thought it would go.

Currently I manage to reinvent the popular “The purple chiffon dress” in to my own version with different color and also I design my first throwover/jacket with shoulder details for the next collection. And as we speak more new design are already on its way. With this new collection coming your way I really hope it will be a success! So designing stuffs is never easy and I’m learning to improve my sketching so I get it all out from my head and it’s sure feel great. The collection will only arrive to me on 2nd week of Oct so since it’s a long wait I might as well scout for other stuffs to be in the collection.

Yes learning is always a process that never stops…. And no matter what, that process will always happen.

But on the other hand where Summer InLove is working well, my current full time job is taking a whole other turn. Well work is good and in fact work has been okay with me being busy at a regular phase which I’m alright with but the fact that the Senior Engineer is leaving and all her work will be handed over to me and me. Yup history just repeats itself right now. Same situation happened just like my previous company, at this moment nobody is concrete enough to take her position and who ever joins the dept might now stay long coz if they are not use to our nature. So which means I have to take up this load which could ultimately lead to a good career prospect for me but….. you know what?! I don’t think I want to do this in the long run. I just want to do my best at this stage only, anything beyond that I am so unsure right now.

Don’t get me wrong I am grateful for what I have but it isn’t what I want since I am already at this stage. Hahahaha I’m no longer motivated with sky rocking paycheck, it don’t work that way no more.

In the midst of what I am going through it is definitely worth it. Good to know I’m not turning back. Moving on and Moving up is the priority right now.

2cents of my thought.

Ciao ciao


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