1st celebration from TLS gang.

It really nice to know that some of my friends really made effort to celebrate my birthday which I am so touched. Honestly I dont really fancy a birthday party really I dont coz I dont want to remember my age if possible. really I do not want to know how old I am this year.

But the TLS gang and Marion really made effort for it and I sincerely thank them for that. coz every year they did the celebration for me and the Octo Babies and I still remember the first celebration I had with them was in Jakarta a few years back, we were stuck in a massive jam and they all sang a birthday song for me. the bunch of peeps that are worth having them as friends forever.

This year we did a small nice one at Marina Barrage..... thanks for Ahmad and Yati for the food and the rest for coming even if it was really late.

And not forgetting the Birthday Babies of October Ann and Khir! Happy Birthday Guys! XOXO.
find this picture familiar?? yar lah this was from last year's will wait for Ann to upload pictures soon and update the picture.

So till the next October entry.

Ciao ciao


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