That Lesson in Life

Over the weekend, it made clear to me that in life we can't be too egoistic and trying to be all righteous. For obvious reasons we are not perfect in anyway but what we should always look forward to having a healthy mind and look forward to working hard for our family.

I grow up in the most crazy environment, time after time I was tested with thing/people tempting to ruin my life but some how at the back of my mind I know it was not worth it and god is always protecting me in every way. You see I wasn't born in a perfect family and do not lead a perfect life but along the way I learnt that by being myself, humble, listen, taking advise and trying to understand a situation can make me a better person, ooh of course not all the time all those things happened the right way. For every mistake I did I learnt and never to do the same.

Now that I'm older and being with someone who made me better have definitely made me realized certain things. He always tell me to be more straight forward and made my heart a priority, constantly telling me that when I am sincere good things will come. From strength to strength we are support each other. I guess at some level it's true.

No matter what the other end have to say, on my end it has to be about me and what I want to achieve matters. What other have to say might be the figment of what they want to perceive and all we could do is take like a pinch of salt.



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