List of Happy-ness #1

kept typing out an entry and deleting it..... why am I not inspired yet?? So since it's just too difficult to type out a blog entry I have decided to type out things that made me happy today. Shall make a list coz it's easier that way!

Brave your self to my list of happy-ness:

1. Happy to know that everyone is eager to come to wedding coz they want to be at a different kind of wedding, yeay! This is the reason why I want to make my guest happy and HAVE FUN!

2. Finally getting the barang hantaran to Peti Solek get all of them dress up and away from me, it's killing me man! All that great stuffs Marion bought for me was sitting in my room and I can't even use it till after the wedding so at least I know the stuffs are out and will be with me soon.

3. I am happy coz it rain and I am having a cup of coffee at my work desk while typing this out, yes I eat snake sometimes!

4. Today I am happy coz while I was typing this entry out I took a break for awhile and read Louise's Blog she is also known as Sprinkle of Glitter and I love it that she greets every one like this "Aloha, Sprinklerino!" ooh yeah I got pikachu addicted to this, i think this is a nice way or the other way to greet people who are gloomy.

5. I am happy today coz Marion and Me was able to tackle some tiny obstacles today and we speak positivity words to each other and I always always love it.

So there you go, I have the first 5 so far and I am liking this!

Till the next list



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