My Simple Raya

oooh my Hari Raya...... it's has been such a simple and humbling one. As usually I did the usual routine of visiting which didn't take long but this week will be our last one visiting with friends and after this we done. As usual Hari Raya is always about food for my family and mum as usual the chef has to cook the Awesome dishes such as Rendang, Sambal Goreng Pegantin, Kuah Sayur Lodeh and my aunt did the Serunding. All this dishes is such a must in my family.

This was a little different when we visited our relative coz this year mum will be extending the wedding invitation to relatives and friends, it seems everyone is excited to come they have been telling mum since it's not the usual void deck or CC they want to "jalan-jalan" and we reminded them not to forget to bring a camera along. How exciting?!

Ahhh then finally just 3 of us when Hari Raya visiting to my dad's place and some of our mutual friend place and right after that we all started to fall sick, which is bad! Currently my flu have taken over me and I am on the road of recovery. So anyway like I mentioned before my Hari Raya was pretty simple affair but definitely different for next I think, hmmmm. We'll see.

Here are some snippets of photos taken by our iphone..... I know I wasn't even motivated to bring along the camera out. Don't ask!

Wearing a Jovian Mandagie Piece named Jeanne, this was a perfect fit for me and love the cutting of the peplum and long skirt. Worth all the moolahs.

 Fiqa was wearing something from Asos Petite, floral peplum I super love her outfit and match it with her kain baju kurung. 

I bought this peplum from an online store it's actually a peplum dress for SGD17+ and I pair it with black straight cut shirt which I bought from online facebook seller named Princess Lurve for SGD20, so yeah create an outfit for less than $50bucks and I can wear them separately anytime.

Fiqa raved about her outfit she says it's really nice and want to wear them out again. 

So thats it! yeah really that's it we didn't take much photos too, been just busy enjoying the visiting and chit chatting nothing much on taking photos this year I really don't know why.

So see you in the next entry!



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