Closing on 2012

Last Day of 2012 I know I had to dedicate this entry to 2012 and ushering 2013.

2012 have been pretty awesome and nothing to regret, decisions made are ultimately becomes beneficial to me and family. We are happier or rather I am happy with what we have achieved and become. 2012 taught me many great deals in life and I am so glad that I experienced it with an open arms. I really don't know what is installed for 2013 but all I could think of another great year ahead and many more wonderful memories especially with my family.

I have to admit the first half of 2012 was definitely a drag from 2011 where I have been receiving negative vibes from people who couldn't close a certain chapter in their life, I also learn to forgive such people but I am still learning to forget the past. After many long walks and thoughts I have decided that to stay in a positive shape of mind I must move on and forget even if they can't. Coz I know I am happier now and so on.

Wedding bells finally came..... yes finally, believe it or not the early stage of the wedding have been such a whirlwind situation when we look back I realized all the tears and sweats did finally paid off for both of us. I know it gonna sound cliche but like many other couples out there we too share many ups and downs while counting down to the wedding and finally 22 Sep 2012 was a success.

In 2012 watching Fiqa growing up taught me a lot to be more patience, more blessed, more humbled and more mindful. She was there for me though out all the rough and smooth journey in 2012. I place a huge quality time with her and discover more of her hidden talents and learning more about myself from her. And as usual January seems to be more festive for us coz it's her Birthday..... we are figuring out a plan for her. You know the best part her request is always the same to have a party with family and nothing fancy. I see more discoveries with Fiqa in 2013 I really do believe it.

Also I must also dedicate this New Year to my most wonderful friends which are the handful of them who is there for me no matter what happen and no matter what we faced. Especially Nana and Ayu, they are friends who stood by me on the happiest also to the craziest moments in life. We are not bound together by obligation but we are bound together by friendship. I look forward to having good times with you girls in 2013.

Wait I didn't of course forget to all my dearest friends who have been there for me even thou due to tight schedule and family commitments we are always a whatsapp msg away, email away, phone call away and whatever technology allows us to stay connected. Hopefully 2013 will another great year of our friendship. Not forgetting to my twitter friends who we communicate thru twitter almost every day..... happy tweeting!

Insyallah more business ideas will be made possible in 2013, definitely we have a lined up of wonderful ideas coming your way. We are working hard at it and will update Summer In Love progress pretty soon.

May the New Year bring more happiness, joy and laughter to all of us.


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