My Positive Habits

Being positive and happy is always what I look in every thing that I do (or at least I try to), I always try to make a habit even thou at times I failed and ended up being all workout and angry about whatever situation it was. So I try my very best and trying to keep every thing in order of positive, here is what I usually do:

SMILE: Is one of the way that could be done anytime and any where possible.
Picture Credit to the owner of this photo.
WRITE / TYPE: I know sometimes I need to vent a little frustration out on social media especially on twitter but I try not to over do it. Usually I write something I am not happy with and next, write something that is more positive in a bad situation. E.g Like when I tweeted about my maid and how angry I am at her but the next moment I will tweet about how relieved I am knowing that she will be leaving soon. Coz I am someone who may get angry but it take a split second for me to get over it.

BLOG: I always find ways to have a positive outlook on my blog, its also a channel where I like my view and thoughts in check so I always avoid any EMO or Angry blog post. I rather blog about good things that is happening around me and it always easy to write good things and bad things. And memories that I kept in here I rather have it feeling good for my kids and grand kids to read in future.

READ QUOTES: I like reading quotes more than some news article to be honest. I usually will go to random website on quotes and enjoy reading something so brief and yet so inspiring. It is something that kept me going. Spiritual Book is always nice and relaxing especially when you look up the meaning of it.

READ BOOKS: I like to read positive book, books about people BIOGRAPHY are always nice knowing how other succeed in life is always a good knowledge to learn. Or even self-help books on how to be happy.

WALK: I think by now alot of you might know that my office is only a 10min walk from home. And walking to and from work, it gives me time to slow down and relax and maybe sometime just enjoy that short walk.

I really do hope you guys try out some of my positive habits..... I am sure if you start trying you won't stop. 

"Life itself is already this serious and up tight, so at least take a moment and SMILE" 

If you are on twitter and Instagram, I do recommend you follow idilionaire she always have great words to share.

So Happy Weekends Peeps!


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