Review: Bio Oil

I read on some Mommies Forum online that this Bio Oil was highly recommended for pregnant women since it has multiple usage and can benefit to the skin. As you know during this pregnancy my skin become so dry and not in the best condition so when I heard Bio Oil could help me with this I went straight to Watson's to get it. It cost about SGD15.50 per bottle.

Bio-Oil is not only good for dehydrated skin in-fact it claim to also treat scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and ageing skin.

So far I have been using since the start of my 2nd trimester, every night I apply this oil on areas that is dehydrating such as my legs and hands, I also make sure I target those stretch marks areas too, so far I can still see the existing stretch marks but there is no new ones (yeay to this!) I was rather paranoid with stretch marks I even get my husband to properly inspect my tummy and waist area to ensure that no new stretch marks. At this moment I am about 1 week before ending my 2nd Trimester and I feel that my skin is much hydrated.

I also use this Bio Oil on my acne scar which I get during the early part of the pregnancy, I had massive breakouts and some of the pimples left scars on my skin so by using Bio Oil I see the scars lighten up. One of the feature of this products that I like so much is that it is non grease within less than a minute you can feel the oil absorb to the skin and it smell really nice.

So everything about Bio Oil is good for me but the only thing with such products usually takes very long to see results and just like any other product waiting time just to see a different will take some where around 2 months or more, but than again it's does not guarantee that scars will disappear but appear lighter. So if you have the entire patience in the world to wait than this oil could be just for you.

So I definitely rate this product a
4 / 5


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