3rd Trimester @ 31 weeks update

ooh boy! look at how time flies and we are left with less than 10 weeks to go. At this moment I am feeling great and every thing looks good too.

Current Emotion:
Overwhelm and overjoy knowing that I am pretty excited to see the baby soon and definitely feeling a little overwhelm since I have a gazillion stuffs to do and so glad that Marion is accommodating to my schedule to get things done.

Since my focus will be on Fiqa's starting school and I will be sending my domestic helper home it only means that December is the time to prepare. So we have been lucky to get my sister to help shop for clothes in US and getting those essential stuffs, stroller, sling are all ready and we are left with other misc stuffs to buy and we are all set.

Pregnancy Woes:
Currently the water retention comes and go, I try to drink as much was as possible. And it seems walking and letting the blood flows helps. At least the water retention didn't stay through out. At work I been getting alot of back pain since sitting is the only possible position. But when I am at home I notice that moving, laying down and walking helps so much with the back pain. Other than that I am pretty much good with nothing to complaint.

Its getting bigger and rounder that's for sure, my maternity pants are getting uncomfortable. But baby may find it a little squeezy in there coz I know baby is growing so much in my small tummy. Baby's movement is also so frequent till I can't sleep at night.

The fun part is that I manage to capture the tummy moving on my iphone video, such nice memories to capture all thanks to technology.

Its safe to say that I eat more than usual these days and I do have a big appetite, the problem is I just don't know what to eat. I try to stay on those healthy food like fruits, muesli bars and etc but when you are out at the mall nothing much is call for a healthy food/snack but I just cave in to whatever snacks possible. But top priority is definitely getting my fruits and veggie in-take on regular since I need to make sure I have enough fiber to move the bowel.

Its all pretty much the same as my previous update. 

Lifestyle Activities:
I have been busy shopping for the baby on the essential items and been running errands alot lately since Fiqa's also need some stuffs before the school reopens too. And as usual December is a peak period for me with so much going on I do hope January will slow me down and prepare for the birth of the baby. Insyallah.

So we are already on the count down right now.....

See on the next update!


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