Breastfeeding Journey from Birth to 10 weeks

Sorry if my blog post here are getting a bit slow, I am still juggling with a newborn, an emo pre-teen at home and juggling house work. Its never an easy feet but we are getting there eventually. Anyway I was asked a couple of times about my Breastfeeding Journey (alamak pai seh I am not an expert but I do support Breastfeeding)

Yes! we are still in this journey and it's our 2nd month. So here is my update on the progress from birth till today....

I never or have not yet consider myself as a mom who successfully breastfeed her baby well, in fact we are still stuck in a few hurdles here and there to overcome but staying determine did manage us to get here. Right after birth, I thought it's only natural that breastfeeding will be alright but I was so wrong..... (FYI, I didn't breastfeed my 1st kid) so everything is pretty new to me, while we were at the hospital the Lactation Consultant did pay us a visit and brief us on how to manage breastfeed but you know? its all talk and theory. So here comes the 1st hurdle "the basic latching" sounds easy but NO! ..... it was difficult to do with sore and cracked nipples, I literally squirm every time Sofia latches on, there are some days I want to avoid it at all cost. If you have low tolerant for pain than don't ask how painful it is, coz there are night I have tears rolling down my eyes.

At the hospital and we are already struggling with Breastfeeding.

One of those early days when we actually latch properly and she finally satisfied after nursing.
At this point in time I was ready to give up, coz the engorged breast, sore nipple and zero self confident to continue this painful journey. I kept 2nd guessing myself if I should just give Sofia formula (FM) in a bottle at this point, luckily a dear friend on twitter (@LizzieDali) who share this Breastfeeding Group on Facebook with me to join and gave me some pointers with my problems and she definitely encourage me to keep going. After weeks of struggling all the pain, I told myself it's okay if she have FM in one of the feed, at least it relieved me from sore nipples and allow my breast to produce milk. But at the back of my mind I felt guilty for giving formula but ....... (actually still feel guilty but I console myself)

Editing Sofia's picture was another way to cope with all the Breastfeeding pain. Looking this picture, comfort my heart.
Really glad to use this product while during the early days of breastfeeding, such live savers and ease the pain. It also smells like chocolate.
To put the pressure off myself I target to reach the 1 month mark of breastfeeding and to stop my journey. But some how I start to see the benefit of latching and how well she is doing with breastfeeding, in terms of sleeping, giving her so much anti-bodies & nutrition. Spending our quiet time together was precious too. It also reduce spit ups, no bottle to wash and sterilise and very less formula intake (at this point of time I still depend on formula at times as milk supply still un-stable) so I keep going and going with breastfeeding.

My coping mechanism..... looking at this kid. Sofia 5 second of holding her bottle. We still feed her by bottle but with breast milk instead of formula.
At home we were doing fine, at times I stayed in the room just to make sure we latch on properly and making sure that when ever she needs milk I will be there. So slowly I started to go on full breastfeeding each day, some days are good and some days I just reach out to formula. In the mean time mum suggested that I try supplement and eat whatever is recommended for breastfeeding, I am so grateful that my mum is supportive of breastfeeding unlike others who thinks otherwise. Feeling confident starts to kick in, I see more days with 100% breastfeeding so one fine day we decided to head out for an errand so I confidently told my husband that there is no need to bring formula but boy we were so wrong...... while we were outside my boobs got so soft and empty and Sofia kept crying for milk we had no choice but to rush home to give her formula (that feeling when we reach home was the lousiest) again I start 2nd guessing myself. Told myself I shall just try for another month and just stop there. But my husband keep telling me to hold on.......

We are officially 10 weeks now...... it's been a rocky road but 3 weeks ago we are on full 100% breast milk and totally ditch the formula. Every where we go, we will find a nice nursing room and take our time to latch and enjoy the quiet time, even no nursing room we can make do with nursing cover.

Everyday will be a very hungry and thirsty day I make sure I eat my 3 meals on time and have snack in between meals. Drinking tons of plain water is essential, I took fenugreek tablets which don't really help much, but eat Oats help boost breast milk and Yogi Nursing Tea. Also to massage the breast, armpit and shoulder area daily during shower to help with the milk flow.

On good days I manage to get 100ml and on usual days I usually get about 20-60ml during each pump. But I am never giving up.
Knowing when the supply is low and high is also important, for me the milk flow in the afternoon is always low so I will try to pump every 2 hours if possible at this time also I will give her the pumped breast milk in the bottle. During the night feed are the easiest as my milk flow at its highest so I usually direct latch till the next morning. When I do have high volume of milk I will usually pump it out and this usually becomes my extra stash for afternoon feed or to froze the milk.

I do froze some breast milk, this is for the time when I go back to work as my milk supply might drop. So having it on standby helps too. *this is my way of making sure my milk supply is optimal but may not be the same as yours. If you get all confused I do suggest you consult a Lactation Consultant as most hospital have them.

I am already starting to keep my frozen stash for emergency or when supply decide to drop. You can keep it for 6month but I don't plan to keep for that long I rather use as much as possible and still be able to maintain supply.
I think we are able to enjoy breastfeeding longer now..... the key is persevere but don't stress yourself and do whats best for the baby. Stress cause the milk flow to slow down so much, eating well balanced diet is key and taking supplement will definitely helps. But having people around you continuously encourage you to breastfeed and understand your journey is definitely most important. I do educate my husband about the important factor of breastfeeding such as the benefit to the baby and our pocket.

Being determine, persevere, keep latching your baby is so important coz latching does help to the breast to produce milk. Try to read up on as much info as possible and try every possibility. Don't give up coz not everyone is perfect but if you do go to formula it's okay you are still feeding your child so don't feel guilty coz many of us were on formula too.

If you have any great ways to help mothers in this breastfeeding journey do leave them below as I am not an expert on this but it's a great way to share.


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