Why Breastfeed? Why not?

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Alright, initially I don't see the point of even explaining about the reason why we women breastfeed but somehow living in Singapore I grew up in an era where Milk Formula win over Breast Milk. Sadly about 30 years ago the knowledge of breastfeeding wasn't even important to anyone but all the hype about giving formula back then was something that people are doing, advertising is to be blame for this. Which leads to many mind sets not eager or wanting to understand why God Blessed us with Breast Milk. So being a mum who formula feed (my first daughter) and breastfeed (my second daughter) I understand why some women choose to formula over breast and I have nothing against that.

Disclaimer: I do totally understand why some women choose formula for various reasons and we all should respect that but we should also respect women who choose to breastfeed. At the end of the day all women just want to have the best for their children. It does not matter what your age is, commenting and belittle a breastfeeding mum is just disrespectful.

Since I do get the same questions, comments and remarks over and over again, I shall summarize below my answers and reactions: 

1. Why you choose breastfeed?
Answer: I choose to breastfeed my child because human milk for human babies. And now that I am equipped with so much knowledge about breast milk I know that I am doing the right thing by giving the best for my child. If I could go back in time I would do the same for my first daughter. Again, I just want to provide the best for my child and it's coming from me I don't need to second guess myself for giving the best.

2. How you deal with pain of breastfeeding at early stage (sore & crack nipple, engorgement)?
Answer: Yes there will be pain such as sore nipple, engorged breast, bleeding nipples and block duct that I have experienced. They are days I cried and tell my husband that I don't know if I can deal with it any longer but when I read about other mummies out there who encourage me in the FB breastfeeding support group it made me preserve and motivate myself. This pain is also mental, where you gotta tell your self that this wont be permanent eventually it will go away.

3. How do I deal with people who are negative about breastfeeding?
Answer: 100% of the time when such negative people comes along they usually are people who gave birth to their kids like 30 years ago and basically these people have no actual knowledge about breastfeeding. Some people are insecure of themselves as they never try to breastfeed that long enough to understand why breastfeed is good for their child. So usually I smile and tell them I know that I am giving the right milk, I am sorry for them as they never realize that god blessed all mother with this special gift that no scientist can replicate. If they persist on talking about negative I usually keep quiet and move away not point arguing with such people.

4. So why you never supplement with Formula Milk? 
Answer: I don't see the point of it, I expressed my breastmilk every day which is enough for Sofia's feeding while I am away at work. I usually latch her right after work when I reach home that is why I don't leave home without her. I don't see this as a difficulties at all, infact I am more than willing to do it. I wake in the middle of the night to latch her, pump milk for her and she sleep so much better after latching.

5. Why I you never feed water to the baby?
Answer: There isn't a need to feed her water until she starts solids. Baby DO NOT need water simply because our breast milk contain 80% water for baby to stay hydrated. I don't know why to even repeat this any further but this is the most common question that irks me so much. I WILL NEVER FEED MY CHILD WATER AS THERE IS NO REASON FOR IT.

6. How long will you do this? Don't need to breastfeed for long la....
Answer: eerrrmmmm are you the now drinking the milk? I will only stop when my daughter wean off my breast there isn't a due date so I can't really answer this question. NEXT!

7. Why baby always hungry, maybe your milk not enough?
Answer: How do you know? Maybe my baby is just bored? Insecure? Need a diaper change? For god sake baby cry does not mean they are always hungry.

8. Your baby look so small, why you keep breastfeeding? Must give water and formula la.
Answer: -___- eh are you my pediatrician??? errrm NO! My child growth chart as got nothing to do with the fact that my family history we don't product giant babies we only produce good healthy babies. NEXT!

There are more endless question about a mother breastfeeding.... but it don't matter. What matter the most that my family especially my mother have been the one that supports my breastfeeding journey and that my friend is the most important thing in this world that matter. For those who are curious about why women choose to breast feed is literally our choice to give the best for our child, this is milk that Allah (god) blessed us there should not be question asking to why we breastfeed.

At the end of the day now Breastfeeding Mummies in Singapore especially have to battle with people that don't understand the benefit of Breastfeeding. So mummies a words of encouragement NEVER give up on breastfeeding even thou it looks hard in the beginning but soon you will know how it feels to successfully breastfeed.


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