Breastfeeding Journey 5 month

I thought I never see the light of the 5 month mark but Alhamdullilah I did. The journey have become a lifestyle and something rewarding to me, best part my bonding time with Sofia is priceless. Let's hope this journey can last longer than 6 month or at least till Sofia wean off. Yes I am determine like that!

Lets start with the updates:

So far breastfeeding have been more or less stable now, I don't have a huge stash still (I still wish thou) but Alhamdullilah I always have enough for the next day's feed. Which to me is alright for now but having slightly more would be great at least I can use it for any emergency.

Sofia have been feeding a little more too so her feed are usually 125ml-130ml, during the day while I am at work she needs about 5 feeds and at night we will just direct latch about 3-4 times. Considering the amount she consumed, her weight gain have been doubling each month.

Just few weeks ago, Sofia started with her puree foods, she is really good at eating she seems to be interested with food. She definitely have gained so much and being increasingly heavy at about 6+kg now.

Blocked duct isn't as bad as the previous months which I was getting too frequent, this month there was only 1 blocked duct but it took me 2 days to clear it, alhamdullilah. I kinda experiment a bit and found out that the VCO was causing all the blockage and I reduce the daily in-take. But I do extra precaution measure each time the boobs are full. Especially during the night time, I have been very tired to pump during midnight and I have been skipping a lot lately this was also the reason of this blocked duct.

Another challenge is Sofia have teeths, yes! she starts teething since age 2 month. So she is on biting spree, there were many OUCH! incident and been trying so hard to teacher her not to bite my nipples and sadly there was one painful incident that lead to engorgement and blockage together with fever since the pain was pretty bad. I had to go see the GP and was prescribed Panadol & Antibiotics. Luckily it all clear within 2 days.

I would say these days I only take in fenugreek and VCO. The reason for taking fenugreek again is because it helps my body to reduce the blockage as it thin out the milk but since I am also taking VCO my milk isn't as thin, there are still some fats.

There was definitely a huge hurdle during this period, so glad we are moving on and doing better now.

See you in the next update.


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