Breastfeeding Journey 6 month - Life is Superb Singapore

Well well well, finally we reached 6 month. How time flies? Sofia is doing so well and hitting those milestone. She is doing so well at crawling with not help at all, sitting up like a champ and started on her solid like a grown up. I sometimes feel that kids these days are growing too fast and I need a little slowing down for me to catch up.
Check out the 2 bottom teeth! OMG So cute!
As for our breastfeeding journey into the 6 month have been such a whirlwind challenge as I was down with fever and cough. And not forgetting mastitis which came to visit and a sudden low supply due to all the sickness. Will tell you more on the my update below.

Every time I ask Sofia if she wants "neh neh?" she knows exactly what I mean and will start pulling my shirt or just open her mouth and starts to suckle on my shirt, at times her expression can be funny but definitely heart warming. I would say she is an expert latcher, yes even under my black nursing cover it is still possible for her to know where the boobs are. Since she was 5 month old we started letting her taste food we gave some puree apple to start with and she was so excited even when looking at us eating she show so much interest in food. So during the day she skip 1 milk feed, which is pretty okay and taking in puree pretty well with allergic reaction.
Always so eager to eat when we place her on the high chair, somehow she knows it's meal time.
So far I also could see my milk stash in the freezer increase again since I have been pumping the same amount and she have been taking 1 less feed I am able to build it. Alhamdulillah. The fact that she is growing well and active is good enough for me to know that with my breastmilk she is well and this makes me truly happy.


oh boy! I've had a few big challenges which I faces the last month, firstly I was down with a fever due to intense pain on my breast due to repeatedly having blocked duct which lead to mastitis and I had to be on antibiotics to get rid of the pain and preventing it from coming back. So far (cross fingers) no block duct, sadly during time I see a slight drop of supply.

Then a fever, flu & cough virus got caught up at home, started with Marion (the husband), I eventually got caught by the virus and everyone else started to fall sick. At this point in time I was very very down, my supply drop further and further emergency stash at home was almost gone and Sofia was on a nursing strike she refuse to latch no matter how I pacify her. It was pretty hard for me physically and mentally. During this time also Sofia started on her solid, so her nursing strike could either me being all feverish (and hot) which she might be uncomfortable or during the introduction of solid she start to take in less milk.

While I was caught with the fever virus, I had to take some panadol and anti-biotic I remember expressing out my breast milk to let Sofia have it and she develop some rashes on her face and I had to completely stop taking any medication. I was struggling to be well at the same time. So this is one of the hardest challenge so far but I am grateful for it coz I persevere and keep insisting that Sofia latch. We finally overcome the odds and she is back on latching and drinking like there was no tomorrow she must have missed it so badly. I finally went to another doctor and was given a breastfeeding friendly medication which help me recover without the worry of Sofia getting any rash.

After all had finally recover and I am back to work, the breast milk supply have since increase back again. I couldn't be more than happy. Currently I am back at expressing 140-180 ml of supply. Yeay!

Since was pretty sick I have been struggling to get back on the supplement regime, but I still take in the same stuffs since last month. The fenugreek and VCO are what I have been consuming but it's was not as regular as it should be. I am also trying very hard to good balance meal each day but being a working mom is never easy to eat right all the time.

This is so exciting that we have reached this far, I am looking forward to the future months ahead. More breast pump review and routine coming up in the next blog entry.



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