Breastfeeding Journey 10 month - Life is Superb Singapore

I know there have been a shortage of updates on my breastfeeding journey, since we moved to the new house and the chaotic-ness with the renovation works at home, I don't have the time to sit down to write updates. But one thing for sure that during the chaotic-ness there was so much happening which lead me to lose so much supply. My milk supply have drop so much and I would say with the lack of sleep, stress and menstrual period are the main culprit.

So you see all that have resulted to so much changes into my breastfeeding journey. But luckily Sofia is taking solid really well, she started with purees and now she is into semi puree and slightly coarse texture food. She is also such a good eater, she is very adventurous and don't mind trying out new flavour. But in between meals she will definitely have her usual milk intake. Glad that she is doing so well with solids.

At this moment, Sofia is no longer just crawling she is now climbing and walking while holding on to something at times she will do the 5 second standing. She have been showing interest in music and dancing. She do understand when we say "bye", "sit" and "No!" hahahaha. It really warms my heart when she hear a music she will clap and she will say Hi and wave too (if she is feeling happy) at 10 month I am so proud of her progress.

Not forgetting that she currently owned 7 teeth! Crazy right? Well this scare me actually, coz at times when during nursing she might bite me sometimes. It hurt like hell, I am also teaching her not to bite it by tapping her cheeks when she does that but for the most part she doesn't bite when she is hungry so that's fine.

One of my biggest challenges are during the shifting of homes and renovation works, I would say that is the most stressful time of my 2014. All that resulted to milk supply drop and not having a proper rest and no time to pump on schedule. And due to this I had my period back again. Ahhhh! How I wish I could be period free forever.... so anyways, the supply drop eve further, there was 1 day that my milk supply for Sofia wasn't enough and we try supplementing with formula but she refused. And mum had to give her extra solid till I reach home from and thank god it was just a few hours away.

So due to all those challenges I went back with taking in supplements just like after I gave birth to Sofia. I had to be very careful of what eat, make sure my water intake was enough and all the works. Also power pumping helps a lot too.

So as of right now I am back to square one, doing all that just like I did before. Right now I am stabilizing the supply but so glad I don't need to pump too much since Sofia is on solid but ensuring my stash is constantly enough is my main goal right now.

Please excuse the diaper, it's hard work being a small boss.


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