How to Expressed Breast Milk On-the-Go / while at work with FREEMIE and Spectra M1 - Singapore

I often talked to working mummies about breastfeeding and most of them had to cut their breastfeeding journey short due to work. I know breastfeeding isn't a walk in park even thou some lucky ones may be doing fine but here in Singapore the moment maternity leave ends, that's just mean the demand of stress at work increase and time isn't always our friend.

As for me, right after my 4 month maternity leave is over I went back to work thinking that everything will fall into places but of course since it's my first time breastfeeding this long, there were some challenges I had to deal with and over look on unexpected situation. So since I have been through those experience I think it's best that I share with you coz this is such a crucial information to share.

So here I am sharing with you about how I expressed my breast milk while I am busy at work. A little background about my job, for the most part I work in an office but there times where I need to work in a construction site office for meetings so I need to be very mobile and my office does not provide any room for breastfeeding mum to expressed my milk but luckily I manage to improvised here and there to make things work.

If you are determine to give the best for your child you will be determine to do whatever it takes.

So before you go on pumping and scheduling your pump session, do check with your company if there is a place you can pump and let your superior knows that you are still breastfeeding, should anything happens they will know and hopefully you get an understanding boss. Also talk to your colleagues about your breastfeeding and tell them that you may need a little time away to pump or tell them that your pumping session will not affect your work. I think by having this mutual understanding it will make it much easier but if not, try doing pumping session before work starts, during lunch time and after work. 

Things you will need:

- FREEMIE Collection Cup with Equality Manual Pump and I recently started using Spectra M1 (Electrical - Portable)
I've tried many type of pump from electrical to manual but so far having the FREEMIE give me a little more freedom to do work while pumping at the same time which also means that it's totally hands-free but the down side for me that freemie cannot totally empty my breast effectively but if you pump slightly longer it is still possible. I am using it with Spectra M1 Electrical Breast Pump is the best, it's quiet and light.

- Fridge-to-go (FTG)
This is a cooler bag for transporting those precious milks. You can get them online or Kiddy Palace, they comes in various sizes but I used the Lunch Fridge (Medium size) this can easily fit 3-4 packet of breast milk bag nicely.

- Ice Packs
The FTG comes with an ice packs but because I have to work out of the office and being outside for too long with some extra ice packs do make the coldness longer. I get my ice packs from daiso super cheap and affordable. There are many various size you can get, just get what works for you.

- Zip Lock Bags
Some uses a lock & lock container to store the freemie cups, but I choose a zip lock bag as it is much easier to store in the hand bag and it's not bulky at all.

- Permanent Markers
Yes you need this to mark dates and the amount of milk you express out. It's important to write it while the bag milk is dry and clean. If you like me who needs to know how much out put don't forget the marker. FYI: You don't want to write with a pen as it might punch hole to the bag.

- Breast Milk Bags
I have tried various type of milk bag but the best quality and deal is the korean's Baby One Sterilized Breast Milk Bags. So far it never leak, it's self standing and it's the best way to store in the FTG and the freezer. I usually get my Milk Bags from

Photo Credit by
- Nursing Cover (Poncho Style)
The best nursing cover is the poncho style, a lot of things can happen under there. But first and foremost it will be your best friend. It cover 360deg which means you can wear any top or shirt and still pump with ease coz it's still covered. Material are usually very comfortable, when you are feeling cold it give you warmth, when you need to walk around the office it still look stylish and if you are like me pumping at your desk it's your best friend coz almost all my colleagues are not aware that I am actually pumping at my desk and in meetings.

I got my nursing cover from do check them out.
Photo Credit by Nursing Musilimah
Before Leaving Home:
Packing the breast pump parts isn't that difficult for me, I just need to keep the FREEMIE Collection cup in a zip-lock, pack some ice packs in my fridge-to-go and thats it and not forgetting my nursing cover. I usually leave my pump in the office since I do have another pump at home. Even if you only have one manual pump it's still alright to bring to and from work as manual pumps are usually pretty light weight.

Not forgetting my FTG to transport back those precious milks.

I also packed a small hand towel, just in case things get a little messy and lastly not forgetting sterilized milk bags or cups for milk storage. I prefer milk bag when I am out if pumping at home I stick with Avent Cups.

While at Work:
I do have a few pump session at work it's between 2-3 times a day, this also depends on the frequency as of now I am doing every 3-4 hourly pump session. My only problem now if I am pumping while I am out this maybe a little problem and I need to adjust my pump session timing, which can get disrupted easily but I will try my best to stick to the same timing to maintained my supply.

At work I also make sure I take in my supplement to boost my supply, as my supply is always fluctuating. Having a balanced diet isn't enough for me, so I do take some supplement in order to established my milk supply. Currently, taking in Oats, Virgin Coconut Oil, Fenugreek and Lactation Cookies. This may work for me but not all would react well with such supplement so I suggest you try out to know what works best for you.

As I mentioned before, my company does not provide any breastfeeding room or an area for me to pump discreetly so what I did at my desk I just put on my nursing cover/poncho (not the bib kind) this type of nursing cover is great coz it gives so much coverage and not many of colleagues don't know that I am actually pumping at my desk. I also have been using the poncho together with my FREEMIE cups to pump during meetings and literally nobody knows.

At work I don't necessary sterilized the FREEMIE Collection Cup, after each pump I usually place them in the fridge or before I leave work for the day I wash them clean and scald them with hot water. As your child gets older sterilization isn't necessary (in my opinion) infact if they are breastfeeding baby, their body are already able to fight the germs as antibodies are given to them in our milk. So don't be too worried about sterilization. I stop crazy sterilizing when baby was 6 month.

Lastly I am grateful that at least my company provide a fridge in the pantry and I am able to store my milk in there together with my ice packs. So before leaving the office I just picked them up from the fridge.

Transporting Milk Home:
I usually try to bring the milk out of the office fridge at the very last minute before leaving the office and simply pop them in a zip-lock bag before zipping the fridge-to-go. I think this is the only most effective way to transport them. Also to prevent any contamination, if it ever happens.

Reach Home:
The moment I reach home I would take the milk straight to freezer, like literally this is always the first thing I do. To ensure the milk remain at the cold temperature.

All this might sound complicated but if you try it and make some adjustments with your lifestyle it should be alright. I do carry a big bag to work, I do think that those Longchamp bags are awesome in putting so much. At times when I am lazy I could actually fit my FTG in my bag.

Like I said before breastfeeding isn't gonna be forever so treasure it, but the first few years of your child's life you definitely need to have this sacrifice in order to give the best for your child. If you feel like your supply is low and all this are too tired for you please don't be discourage. As a mother just do whatever best for your child and don't be too hard on your self at the end of the day you want your kids to know that you will always be there for them.

If you have tricks & tips to share please leave them down on the comment box.

P.S: This is not a sponsored blog post and all items you see here are purchase on my own. Thank You.


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