Motivational Monday #4

Just last week it occurs to me that I have put on hold in "chasing" my dreams, I think due to trying to adjust life in the new home, multi-tasking with work and family, with less sleep each day and the list goes on. I put on hold so many things that I wanted to do till almost I forgotten about them. So this is also a personal motivation for me to get things on track....... for my dreams at least.

While I was on my train ride home from work the other day, I felt so much missing pieces in me and question myself what happen? Of course the answer was just obvious for and I console myself that I need to start chasing those dream again. Some people have come to me and told me this "Aishah, with your age and family how can you chase your dream?" Well my friend it's a lot of hard work need to put in, but if I choose to keep chasing I know I will be nearing it some day. Which why I always tell women around me to always keep chasing that dream..... be it an ideal career, to be successful in whatever you do, to owned a business or whatever you want. It all still possible as long as you are alive and healthy.

As women when you keep chasing that dream I kind that it help me ease my mind on the hectic-ness of being a mom and wife. It gives you that space to breathe, seriously you need to try and start that chase if you want to feel how liberating it feels to do what you love. But of course I am not gonna tell you that every thing will be fine and dandy but rather take the challenge as it comes to make you stronger when you reach the dreams that you want.

It does not mean that you become a wife and a mother you stop chasing your dream. Make the best of what you have and you will know what is your calling.....

Have a wonderful Monday!


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