Breastfeeding Journey 11 month - Life is Superb Singapore

Reached the 11 month mark is one of the challenging and stressful journey. Stress is definitely not with baby but other factors that lead to low supply and the number one culprit is none other than stress, lack of sleep and the list goes on. Everything is not going as routined and trying to keep my pump schedule on track is really not easy when work schedule are in the way and I kept forgetting to bring my pump to work. Also I was engorged badly a few times till there was lump and it was horrible. But for every bad times comes the good time.....

As for Sofia, she is doing well despite me having to cope with all that. Since she is taking in solid well too, I get mum to feed her more solid and hydrate her with water and drink fresh organic milk which didn't make her milk allergy flare up (surprisingly) more and she was simply doing well with that. But we are still not letting her have formula coz it trigger her allergy to flare up.

This picture is too cute not to post it here.
Updating about her milestone..... I need to take a moment to just soak everything in. my baby will be a toddler soon and she will be 12 month. How can that tiny baby grow up so big so fast? But of course, we parents must learn to let go..... based on experience I cannot be emotional all the time right? Especially when you are looking at your child's progress. Ok I am rambling now... going back to Sofia's milestone.

Currently she is walking and standing without holding sometimes. We always gets excited when she does attempt to stand up without holding. She did take a few step forward and learning the art of walking and balancing. No pressure on her just hope she is happily progressing. As for breastfeeding it is getting easier when she only need to nurse 1 or 2 times in the day, she have become an expert too and no biting the nipple at all. Now that she is a little bigger, she calls me out distinctively for milk, which is also become very attached to me, if she see me walk off she will cry (crocodile tears) this kind of bond that we have is really what make me motivated to breastfeed longer. And I notice recently she likes to make funny noises too when she latched and also we ended up giggling with each other while latching. Sound so fairytale, right? Well in the beginning stage of breastfeeding is awful but each day it gets better.

Like I mentioned I was struggling with supply, I really can't afford to cut my pumping session since I am only able to yield between 80-120ml per pump that is not a lot. But I got to say trying to constantly be on target about pumping session can be difficult at times, I am finding ways to always remind myself the importance of breastfeeding and keep telling myself to keep going. But I am only human, there are days when I just want to stop breastfeeding, there are days I just hate looking at my pump, but my mum have been encouraging me to keep going and she knows that breastfeeding will eventually stop so she always remind me that how well Sofia is with breastfeeding and we are so grateful that she don't fall sick easily and we never have to do a doctor visit.

Since my supply dropped, we had to supplement with Organic fresh milk and with her solid. She is doing well with that since is already 11 months old.

As for my schedule I recently force myself to stay on track by monitoring my pump session from Monday to Friday and weekends when I am not working I just simply latch all the way till I feel a little engorged I just pump to empty my breast. I keep telling myself not to feel pressure or stress out about the milk since she is big enough to stay well on solids.

Using the freemie to pump have been such a god send, I am able to blogged and pump at the same time. During those engorged days I feel so much relieved knowing that my freemie is around. Only problem I just had to pump longer period of time for each session just to be sure that any lumps are clear and boobies are empty efficiently.

I am eating as per normal 3 times a day and maybe a snack in between my meals, at the same time I have been consuming Aura White 15X Collagen drink 2 times a day which contains VCO to help with my supply. I have been taking the usual oatmeal and VCO in softgel to help me get back the supply again. I notice all this supplement helps but it will not be as fast, I need to build this up again in order to maintain supply. At the same time I really don't mind taking all of this just because they are benefitting for me for other aspects of health.

The last couple of month I notice a huge change in my breastfeeding, even thou lesser pumping time I still have to keep pumping until I can establish the optimal yield. So if you are in the same shoe don't give and keep latching and pumping.


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