Motivational Monday #5

Errrmmm I have been missing a few Motivational Mondays the last few weeks, well that only mean 1 thing I might not very motivated on those days and I don't want to pretend that I was all positive about life on that day. Well sometimes I do have my down time where I feel things just don't work out and it made me feel like crap. But I am so glad that most of my days are so much better.

Today's motivational mondays is dedicated to Mothers, I think we mothers work very hard for our family be it SAHM or full time working mom. We are such great multitasker, juggling from A to Z you named it. The list of things we do can't comprehend in this blog but each and everyone of us have just way too many things to handle. At times we get so overwhelmed and things can get in our way and make things very hard for us. Also at times we care so much for other till we forget about ourselves.

So we mothers deserved that break/time-out/me time/girls night out and whatever you called it. We will need some time alone or with a girl friends just to take our mind of our worries and after all that we will be able to multitask again and again after we have take each break. I think as mothers this is definitely important and also to have some of your time spend with your spouse is a definite one. 

When we get overwhelmed, we are not able to care for others so it is important to care for ourselves first. I was told by a family counselor that even though we are married with kids, we women must also know what we want, our dreams and aspirations. 

Remember we are not robots, we are a wife, mother, daughter and sister of the family. Whenever there is a chance to take a break, we should take that break coz we have to look after ourselves first in-order to look after others.

See you on the next Motivational Monday.  


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