Breastfeeding Journey 12 month - Life is Superb Singapore

OMG! didn't even realized that I've reached the 12 month mark when someone commented to me that "Your baby so big already you still breastfeed?" (Singlish) oh yea we are still breastfeeding if you are still wondering. But during the transitioning to 12 month our journey changed, I for once have cut down so much of pumping time, no hassle to carry around pumps, freemie and cooler bag everywhere I go now. Freedom!

And also Sofia is doing so well with Organic Lactose Free milk (she is lactose intolerant, please don't anyhow give her dairy products ah! Like ice cream and such....) with her 3 x a day solids she is doing so well. As of now the routine is breast feed at night only and I do need to pump out once a day especially after a long day at work, my breast do get full after more than 8 hours. So sometimes I would pump out and let her have it in a bottle so at least household chores can be done.

So far she does sleep longer at night, I don't necessarily have to wake up every 3-4 hours like before, just last night she slept through and was still sleeping when I woke up for work. I hope this routine continues for the next 6 month and better sleep for me. Seriously I really need to sleep properly now before I go nuts, such a long over due sleep that needs pay back.

The decision to start her on lactose free milk initially started when we focus more in getting to her better solid and milk was just supplementary for her. One good thing about Sofia she does not need to nurse to sleep anymore so by patting her down she will nap/sleep. This one need a little training is required, it took us a while to stop the nurse to sleep pattern but it was worth it.

Overall I think the breastfeeding journey have evolved through out the year, we managed to dodge some curve balls and honestly even thou I am not breastfeeding the whole entire day I am so happy that I manage to come this far. Back then, I told myself to focus on reaching the 3 month mark but so glad we are still keeping it going after 12 months.

Honestly of you ask me at this point where nursing bra are no longer in use in-fact I went a little excited and went for some under-wire bras the other day (happy like what like that?! only breastfeeding mom can relate to this) I have also stop taking any milk booster supplement and ultimately spending more time with my elder daughter rather than spending time pumping milk is also why we are at this point.

I am so proud of myself for this achievement in motherhood! If you are going through the same path I hope you persevere and wait for such sweet moment to come.


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