Power Question : Who Am I?

I am Aishah Naseem.

Aishah means "Arabic female given name which means "She who lives" or "womanly". Its also a named after Nabi Muhammad (SWT)'s wife. 

Today's question is Who Am I?
I am sure by now most of you know that I am a wife, mother of 2 beautiful kids and a sister. I am very passionate about my job, blogging and things I love to do during my free time (I have hidden talent). I believe in living the moment and chase all the dreams even if it takes my entire life to achieve it. 

I am a person that you need to sit down and understand, most of the time I think very differently from normal and at times people just don't get it but only people that are close to me would understand. I would say I have changed so much throughout the years and I am constantly evolving around my surroundings. I never work towards perfection but better than yesterday.

So who am I to you? A friend, a sister of islam who I may not meet in person but I hope by blogging I would able to help you or be there virtually for you. I love meeting new friends and have wonderful conversation over caramel macchiato. 

Do share with who you are? If you have done this in a blog or somewhere do share with me and leave a comment below.


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