Little Update on Life

These days I seldom blog about family matters, not that I don't want to, but I haven't found time to strike a balance, as boring as it may sound juggling work, family and especially the kids I am for once still juggling to make spare time to write like I used to.

Shafiqah will be sitting for PSLE soon, meaning more homework and revision need to be done on daily basis. I do pity her, she have so much on her plate with travelling to school which is 1 hour away isn't a joke for a twelve-year-old but then again this is life she needs to learn the hard way the earn her way and I already instal all this in her and letting her so time management. There is nothing to pity or sad, kids need to learn that nothing comes easily these days.

As for Sofia, this little kid will be going to full day care this August. She might think it's just another playground for her and I am a little nervous for her since she is only 18-month-old, unlike Shafiqah I sent her to daycare only when she was 3 years old. But on a positive note she can adapt to new environment fast and learning to be independent will help me a lot with her milestone. By the way, we opt for a slightly more expensive school just because we felt a sense of security and better environment (this might be a little controversial to say, but I have no issue with neighbouring daycare)

Marion have been helping a lot too, but I know working shifts can be tiring, but he does help to lessen my load with helping out on the household chores. Which, of course, I am grateful for but to us it's not about him helping me but it's more of he have to do it too since we are both are in this long ride. Even we have very little time for each other and going for dinner date on regular basis isn't as easy but we try to make time even thou it does frustrate me when we are spending lesser time these days.

And for more wonderful news my younger sister is getting marries on the eve of National Day, the whole family is excited about it. Like finally the day have come and she is moving on to another phase in life. And of course moving out from me! (every sister's wish, kidding la but she better pay me monthly dinner meals at my house)

I would say so far we are very grateful for all the things we have received in life and we are pretty much contented as per right now. At the same time, me and Marion just want to work hard for the family.... and some have asked about additional siblings or future plans for it.... I would let's just leave it up to the big man above. But if you ask me for my honest answer I would say 2 is good for us and to all the makciks in this world better stop asking me about this matter ah, penat ah to reply you.

Anyway there is your update, nothing exciting about my at the moment but we are keeping things simple.


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