Top 4 Q&A : Why I blog?

Is it me or what? Lately, I've been getting a lot of curious question to why I am so active with blogging, updating my social media platform and uploading regularly on my youtube channel. So gather my thoughts and list all the frequently asked questions and answer them as much as possible. 

1. Why blogging?

Simply for fun, releasing my energy toward something else rather than focusing too much stress in this world. But for the most part, is the fun side of blogging. I think my mind speaks a lot and at times it doesn't get to release out which can be crazy, so since I am so passionate about beauty, travel and staying positive (no hypocrite), why not have fun with blogging.

2. Blogging is like a dying trade, now there are other social media platforms and why do you still blog?

Blogging is not dying but it has evolved. blogging can now be done in so many different ways. I try to join the bandwagon and have an account on most major social media platform but writing in my own blog is my passion, I love doing this coz I still have readers from all over the world and often times I get comments and emails on topics that I blog. So I still feel blogging is still relevant, just that it has taken into another level of social media platform. 

If you passion about it, I say blog it!

3. Do you get sponsored all the time, for all the products you review?

With all honesty, I seldom take in sponsorship or advertorial. I am someone who prefers things to be done organically. I will only take in a project if I am allowed to freely be creative, giving an honest review and not being an orchestra on my blog. I've worked with big companies and local entrepreneurs before and I understand how both works, objectively varies but originality must remain.

Don't get me wrong, if you are a pro on doing a bunch of sponsorship and advertorial by all means go ahead, as for me I still prefer my freedom to write what I deem fit and comfortable only when the company allow me to do so.

At the same time, I do get products send to me without having to even mention them my blog or on social media. Products get send to me this way usually in a form of a gift and they don't expect anything in return. So this is another perk of blogging :)

4. How do you keep up with regular blogging with work and personal life?

I do have a full-time job and a family to look after, it gets stressful sometimes trying to juggle just work and family but blogging is like my escape from my reality where I spend time focusing on what I love most. So time management is crucial, I am very good at that my kids are very independent but I still make time to spend quality time with them.

Especially when my 2-year-old takes her nap or sleep at night is where I spend a lot of blogging and being on Social Media. But other than that my time is always at work from 8-6 and other times I focus on family and try to put away my phone.

I say it's not easy but it will eventually work out when you put your mind into something.

So yes that's the top 4 question that I get commonly if you do have more questions do leave me a comment and I shall gather my thoughts again for another blog post.



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